Have you ever seen a Coca Cola advertisement in which two smiling elderly of 85 years old look at each other, radiant, sipping on the […]
Barely any spending on elderly
In a 2015 article in the Phnom Penh Post, we find affirmation for what we were suspecting during our research on elderly in Cambodia. We […]
Policy on elderly: trends in Cambodia 2
As we do in other countries, we also research the current demographic trends and policy to find important developments and key issues. In a serie […]
Our research results visualized: Wall of Elderly
In our current research we talk to elderly around Cambodia. In our house / studio in Phnom Penh we made a wall with the research […]
Loneliness: missing my children
One of the main answers we get when we ask elderly around Cambodia about loneliness is that they miss their children. The one thing we […]
Financial income: provide for your family
In Phnom Penh we were looking for elderly who are still working independently of their family. One of the people we met was Mr. Sok […]